Huwebes, Agosto 22, 2013

Digital Art Manipulation

  What I actually made is creating an Outdoor Fantasy Manipulation. I started doing this activity by searching for high resolution images that has a connection in fantasy. AT first it was hard to look for images but I decided to manipulate this 2 picture together in making my activity.




                           I used this 2 pictures. Then the next thing that I made is I extract the photo of the fairy and where the fairy is sitting then I cut it and I paste it on a blank file that has a size of 12 by 18 inches with a 300 pixels.After that I paste the image 2 above the image 1 add an image of a rainbow within the clouds and after it I use the blur tool to recorrect some parts as well as I enhance the color of the photo by adjusting its color. brightness and contrast.

                              This is the outcome of my Outdoor Fantasy Photo Manipulation.



Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013

Photoshop Activities part 2

In our second activity in Photoshop. We are given 3 task to work out.

First is to colorize a gray scale picture at first I thought it was hard but when I open the website that has a tutorial on how I will do it, It was pretty amazing that I did it and come up with this out.

Second is to add some tattoos on one of my photo. What I did is, first , of course look for a good photo, second I look for some images of tattoos on google I download it so that I can use it. Third I cut the tattoos using a magic wand cut it and paste it on my picture. I also change the background of the picture.

The third activity is to make a watercolor effect using our photo. The first thing that I did is I open my photo and cut the face and paste it on a blank layer,. second I use the brushes in resource to 3 to make my hair and lastly I use some cool brushes that are found in resource 3 to make my own background design.